Title I Information
Please complete the Online Parent Survey. This will help in the planning of the 2024-2025 school year.

Polk Avenue is a Title One School? What is that exactly and what does that mean to me?
- Title I can help children be more successful in school
- Parents have a voice in their child’s education
- Teachers realize the contributions of parents to their child’s education.
How does Title I work?
Federal government provides funds to States each year for Title I after the state sends in a plan describing:
- What children know and should be able to do
- High-quality standards that children are expected to meet.
- Ways their progress will measured
Then the State education agencies send the money to school
Districts based on the numbers of families that receives free and reduced lunch. And then the Local School District or Lea identifies eligible schools and distributes the funds.
Parents, Teachers, Administrators, and Staff will:
Identify students who need help the most
Set goals for improvement
Measure student progress, using state standards
Develop programs that supplement classroom instruction
Involve parents in every part of the program
We need you help to…..
Determine goals for the program
Plan and carry out program
Evaluate programs
Work with your child at home and possibly as a volunteer in the classroom
Be on the look for:
Annual Title One Parent Meeting (Open House)
The Parent- School Compact
School Parent Involvement Plan
District Parent Involvement Plan
Helpful Documents
- Right-to-Know-letter-2016-2017.pdf
- Right-to-Know-letter-2016-2017-Spanish.pdf
- PAE-Parent-School-Compact-2016-17-English-Spanish.pdf
- District-Parent-Invovlement-Summary-2016-17-Englsih-Spanish.pdf
- PAE-School-Improvement-Plan-2016-17.pdf
- PAE-Parent-Involvement-Plan-2016-17-English.pdf
- PAE-Parent-Involvement-Plan-Summary-2016-17-English-Spanish.pdf
- SPAR Repb.pdf